来源:公文范文 发布时间:2023-04-04 16:50:04 点击:
景点英文导游词 篇一
Chongqing, located in southwest China, the Yangtze river and the jialingriver interchange, and surrounded, wrap, river city mountain alongside water,cascade, both famous for jiang. The upper Yangtze river, 470 kilometers longfrom east, north and south 450 kilometers wide, with a total area of 8.2 squarekilometers, and hubei, hunan, guizhou, sichuan, shaanxi and other provincesborder. Is a famous mountain city of chongqing, it is the most prominent featureof the terrain ups and downs, stereo sense is strong.
Chongqing is a unique tourism resources. Throughout the city, the city ofbashan stretches, YuShui vertical and horizontal, overlooking the has a longhistory, cultural heritage deep, form the mountain, water, forest, springs andwaterfalls, gorge, hole, etc as one of the magnificent natural scenery and meltba-yu culture, national culture, immigration culture, three gorges culture, the"capital" culture, urban culture in a batch of rich cultural color. From XiaYuwang live with a door and not into the "" three TuShan old mark, manycelebrities to the kuomintang and the communist party of work site; From bigNingHe historic hanging coffins, and decisive to "fold the scourge of god" oceanfishing city sites; From well-known ancient and modern in the three gorges ofYangtze river, to the man who dazu grottoes, composed with chongqingcharacteristics of "mountain city scenery", "the Yangtze river three gorgestourism golden line" and "eight big characteristic tourist area", a total ofmore than 300 spots, of which more than 10 national cultural relics protectionunits.
Chongqing is China's famous historical and cultural city, has more than3000 years long history and glorious revolutionary tradition, taking chongqingas the center of the Cuban chongqing region is the birthplace of ba-yu culture,the land gave birth to the chongqing's long history. 2 ~ 30000 years ago thelate paleolithic, for human life in chongqing area. The 11th century BC chowperiod, people in chongqing for capital, Pakistan has been established. Laterqin destroy Pakistan, the world for 36 counties, the county is one of them.Jisheng period Pakistani territory to the original chongqing city as theadministrative center, the jurisdiction of the northwest in eastern sichuan,western hubei, hunan and suck area. Since qin and han dynasties, the area mostof the time as a unified administrative jurisdiction, the administrative centeris located in the original chongqing.
Chongqing are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and believers 100 more than ten thousand people, open 215 of religiousactivity venues, registration staff of 321 people. The masses of believers andreligious people raised the banner of patriotism and support of the party andgovernment leadership, for economic development and the construction ofsocialist spiritual civilization has made a contribution.
Chongqing people in one thousand to form the New Year the Spring Festival,15 view lamp, the tomb-sweeping day ancestor worship, the Mid-Autumn moon andsuspension wine festival, sit sedan, fly a kite, folk custom, compared withother parts of China the same. But because there are five tujia and miaoautonomous county of chongqing, the two both passion and nation has its ownunique folk traditional holiday. Sacrifice, prayer, festival activities such astujia, miao "autumn", etc.
A mountain city of chongqing, has its own unique festival every year. Suchas chongqing cuisine culture festival held every year in October or so, if youwant to taste the famous snacks and flavor dishes, don't miss. Chongqinginternational drinks beer festival, and weighing the Munich beer festival, isthe summer carnival. In addition, there are magnetic device mouth temple fair,TongLiang dragon Lantern Festival, dazu county fair and ghost town templefair.
景点英文导游词 篇二
Hello everyone! We are visiting Mount Tai today. I'm your guide, Wu please follow me to see Mount Tai!
First of all, let me introduce Mount Tai to you. Mount Tai is the first ofthe "Five Mountains" in China. It has the reputation of "the first in theworld", also known as Dongyue. It is one of the most beautiful and shocking tenfamous mountains in China. Mount Tai is located in the central part of ShandongProvince. Its natural landscape is majestic and tall. It has thousands of yearsof spiritual and cultural penetration and rendering, as well as the contrast ofhuman landscape. Famous landscapes include: Nantianmen, Yuhuangding,tianzhufeng, Shibapan, etc.
Now we come to Nantianmen first. South Tianmen is located in the lowdepression between feilongyan and xiangfengling, with two peaks, as if Tianmenhad opened itself. Looking up from below, it is like a palace in the sky, whichis the gateway to Mount Tai. There is a small courtyard inside the gate. Themain hall is the hall of Sanling marquis. It was built when Emperor Zhenzong ofSong Dynasty granted Mount Tai in the winter. It was dedicated to Tang Chen, GeYong and Zhou Wu, the admonishment officials of Zhou Dynasty. Later it waschanged into Guandi temple.
Then we came to Yuhuangding. Yuhuangding is the top of the main peak ofMount Tai, which is named after the Yuhuangmiao temple. Yuhuang temple was firstbuilt in the Ming Dynasty. The main buildings are Jade Emperor hall, YingxuPavilion, Wanghe Pavilion, dongxipeidian and so on.
Well, now please go and play by yourself, and gather at Tianzhu peak inthree hours. Please pay attention to: 1. Don't litter everywhere; 2. Don't spiteverywhere; 3. Protect the trees.
景点英文导游词 篇三
Letter valley pass in front of yu shan jin three provinces border, henanlingbao city territory, about 75 km away from downtown sanmenxia, 12 km fromdowntown spi. Letter valley was founded in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, after the destroyed by fire. In 1987, rebuilt thebeginning letter of rehabilitation of 1992 cage valley floor, is a Taoistculture and military in the heart of the integration of the humanities. Lettervalley is building in the history of our country one of the earliest innorth-west fortress, also our country ancient great thinker, philosopher Lao ziTaoist school of thought takes great the daodejing valley, the spirit of theholy land, to celebrity (Lao tzu), classics (the daodejing), collecting thevalley off (letter) niche in history, known overseas. Former Chinese Taoistassociation, yuxi road flyover MinZhiTing personally inscribed for the scenicspot "the source of the Taoist" plaques. The scenic area covers an area of 16.9square kilometers, divided into functional valley and the beginning of twoparts. Letter valley pass was built in the spring and autumn period and thewarring states period, "because, in the valley deep risks such as letter of thename. Since yao mountain mountain east, west to Tong jin, TongMing lettervalley, so-called crash" (as the example).
Since the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, afterseven male supremacy, chu, huang chao uprising, the article analyzes the peasantuprising, as well as the xinhai revolution, the Anti-Japanese War, liberationwar shows that must, is strategically important for everybody. The beginningpalace is China's spring and autumn dynasty outstanding thinker, politician,philosopher and writer Lao tze writings the daodejing, his book the daodejing,its ideas and profound, contains the rich, all aspects related to heaven, earth,people, in politics, economy, military affairs, art, ethics, health and otherfields has the original opinion, is a rare treasure in the world. Since 1992,the letter of valley Lao zi s birthday activities every year, when the touristsat home and abroad to pilgrimage. Main attraction on floor, letter off trail,the beginning palace courtyard, avenue, Taoism regimen, the scripture-storedtower, deep purple floor, chicken calls, the forest of steles, museum, themuseum of more than 20.
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